2023-02-042022-03-152022-03-152023-02-042022-03-152021978-3-8305-5131-7https://doi.org/10.35998/joefin-2021-0008https://repository.difu.de/handle/difu/583536The article sheds light on the framework conditions for public investment policy in Germany and then expounds the dilemmas of the corresponding debate. These become particularly evident in times of crisis and have encumbered intensified investment in climate protection and adaptation measures. In order to promote climate protection sustainably and across all levels, it is necessary – so the guiding thesis – to adopt a comprehensive and coordinated approach, with which the constitutional and legal framework and instruments of the federal, state and local governments are modified in such a way that they increase the political pressure for action – not least through a forced political-cultural change. At the same time, this new frame of reference must be backed by a long-term and solidly endowed financial approach that guarantees planning security and is flanked by social measures.Die Corona-Krise als Gelegenheitsfenster. Neujustierung des Referenzrahmens für Klimaschutzinvestitionen im föderalen Fiskalsystem?The Corona Crisis as a Window of Opportunity. Readjusting the Reference Framework for Climate Change Investments in German Fiscal Federalism.Beitrag (Sammelwerk)https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021061704460708407251Corona-KriseInvestitionspolitikInvestitionsbedarfKrisensituationFöderalismusKlimaschutzKlimaanpassung