2023-02-042023-01-232022-05-092023-02-042023-01-232022https://repository.difu.de/handle/difu/583732The training has to be delivered against the backdrop of the smart cities mission. While the smart city concept is mostly associated with applying technology, it does not necessarily imply only digital approaches but an efficient use of available resources. Stormwater Management needs to be approached from various angles, including cutting edge technology but also considering traditional methods, social dimensions and behaviour changes. The intent of the training on Stormwater Management is to inform about the relevance of water related risk and challenges for urban development, especially with regards to climate change. The training aims to broaden the perspective on Stormwater Management beyond infrastructure measures to approaches such as rainwater harvesting and behaviour change. A key message of the training is that addressing water related risks improves resilience to climate change induced disasters but can also reap direct economic and social benefits and improve infrastructure development. Furthermore, the training will familiarise participants with the water dimension of the CSCAF. Training participants will be enabled to analyse the current situation regarding water management in their respective cities and devise an integrated plan to improve the condition of water resources.Training on Stormwater Management. Training Manual for Training Institutes.Abweichender Titel Titelblatt: Training on Stormwater Management. A training course for decision makers and operative staff from ULB Level. Trainers Manual.Graue Literatur/ BerichtKlimawandelIndienRegenwassermanagementInstitutionHandbuchTrainingsprogrammSmart CityStadtentwicklungInfrastrukturentwicklungNachhaltige Entwicklung