Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Europäische Union"
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Beitrag (Sammelwerk) Budget Institutions for Subnational Fiscal Discipline: Local Fiscal Rules in Post-Crisis EU Countries.(2021)Fiscal rules are institutional constraints on budget policymakers’ decision-making discretion aimed at fostering prudent fiscal policy, promoting overall fiscal discipline, and ensuring long-term fiscal sustainability. Since the European sovereign debt crisis, fiscal rules have been at the centre of the debate on the EU’s economic governance, the need to strengthen fiscal frameworks and improve policy co-ordination. This chapter outlines the origin, purpose, design, and coverage of local fiscal rules in EU countries over a decade after the 2008 financial crash. It presents a review of the empirical evidence on subnational fiscal rules and their impact and effectiveness on fiscal outcomes. The chapter ends with some concluding remarks and lessons drawn from the experience of fiscal rules across both time and space and outlines how policymakers can learn from this international experience.Monografie Europäische Strukturpolitik für die Stadterneuerung in Ostdeutschland. Evaluierung der Gemeinschaftsinitiative URBAN.(2000) Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung -DIW-, BerlinDie Gemeinschaftsinitiative URBAN verfolgt das Ziel, die in zahlreichen Stadtvierteln bestehende kritische soziale und wirtschaftliche Lage zu verbessern. Oberstes Ziel ist die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität für die Bevölkerung in den betreffenden Quartieren, die kleinräumig abgegrenzt werden. Hierzu werden in acht ostdeutschen Städten Maßnahmen zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und sozialen Eingliederung, zur Sanierung von Infrastrukturen und zur Verminderung der Umweltbelastungen gefördert. Die Projekte sollen Vorbildcharakter für andere Städte haben. Priorität erhalten besonders innovative Projekte, die sich in eine integrierte langfristige Strategie der städtischen Entwicklung einordnen. Die Hauptfunktion der mit der Veröffentlichung vorgelegten Zwischenevaluierung zum Stand Herbst 1998 ist es, die Fördermaßnahmen auf die möglicherweise veränderten Rahmenbedingen und Erfordernisse abzustimmen und Vorschläge zu ihrer Weiterentwicklung zu machen. Die Analyse der Wirkungen erfolgt anhand eines Bündels von Einzelindikatoren, deren Veränderung für die Zielerreichung wichtig sind. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer Vielzahl von Dokumenten der beteiligten Städte, auf Ortsbegehungen sowie auf Interviews mit den Akteuren vor Ort in den Stadtquartieren, in den Stadtverwaltungen sowie auf Bundes- und Landesebene. difuBeitrag (Sammelwerk) European Patterns of Local Government Fiscal Regulation.(2021)European countries employ heterogeneous and complex systems to regulate local government budgets. Although the topic has become increasingly relevant in the face of past and future economic and budgetary crises, there is a lack of cross-country studies in this field, due in part to the institutional complexity of financial regulatory systems. With the help of extensive case study data processed with quantitative comparative analysis, we conduct a classification study which suggests a new way to analyse the commonalities in fiscal supervision structures, supervision routines and numerical fiscal rules in 21 European countries. In addition, we derive an aggregate index of regulatory strength. This allows us to identify a European north-southeast divide with looser regulatory regimes in the north. Such a pattern fits with existing theories of state traditions and might serve as useful heuristic for future debates about local government fiscal regulation.Zeitschriften-/Zeitungsartikel Federal Challenges in the Implementation of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility in Germany.(2022)The paper focuses on the internal implementation process of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in Germany with special regard to the participation of the Länder in the development of the plan and its priorities. We argue that the course of the development and implementation process is illustrating how national executives can pursue their own goals by exploiting the blindness of the EU and its treaties to federal systems. This was favored by the fact that the European Commission (EC) labeled its Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) including NextGeneration EU (NGEU) as a “stimulus package”. The coincidence of these two reasons allowed the German government to develop its own Recovery and Resilience Plan without major consultation. Moreover, the decades-long disputes between the federal government and the states, in which the latter had gained considerable information and voice, do not seem to have taken place. Since the RRF can be interpreted as a new cohesion policy approach of the EU, stronger involvement of the German Länder and municipalities in the negotiation process of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (DARP) would have been essential. The analysis exemplifies aspects of multilevel governance that need to be strengthened if the EU is to expand its economic policy instruments in the future.Beitrag (Sammelwerk) Beitrag (Sammelwerk) Introduction: The Relevance and Conceptualisation of Local Finance Regulatory Regimes.(2021)Although local governments are essential providers of public services and infrastructure across Europe, they ultimately depend on funding from higher levels of government. The clear relevance of local government finances necessitates effective regulation in order to ensure financial sustainability, but as of yet there has been hardly any comparative research regarding this particular topic. The 18 chapters contained in this volume bring together the work of 40 experts in the disciplines of political science, economics, and public administration research to approach the subject of local financial regulation in various scales and contexts across Europe. In this introductory chapter, we first outline key concepts such as fiscal decentralisation and regulation and briefly describe associated underlying theories and research. Secondly, we present comparative fiscal data to demonstrate the variance and trends of fiscal decentralisation across Europe. It also introduces the concept and components of regulatory regimes and develops the argument, that the effectiveness and outcome of fiscal regulation depends not only on the quality of individual components but also on the interactions of those components. We finally present the three guiding questions of this volume and provide a short overview of the chapters to follow.Zeitschriften-/Zeitungsartikel Beitrag (Sammelwerk) Local Government Tax Structure.(2021)Designing the system of local funding implies the allocation of different tax sources to local governments. This challenge is of particular interest in times of economic recession since tax revenues can stabilise local revenues and therefore limit the need of fiscal regulation. International organisations promote a shift from labour taxes towards less growth-deteriorating consumption taxes. The recommendations for local governments aim at an increase of property taxation, which yields rather stable revenues over the business cycle. At first glance, this advice seems to describe a path of optimisation, minimising adverse economic effects and providing local governments with more reliable revenues. From this starting point, we analyse local tax structures across Europe with Eurostat data from 2004 to 2018. This study reveals that in times of economic slowdown, the share of potentially more growth-deteriorating local income tax revenue increased relative to the share of consumption tax revenue. Moreover, revenue from the current local tax basket is quite dependent on cyclical variations. Both imply that there is room for improving local government tax structures. However, although there are criteria for an optimal local tax structure, revenues should match the set of public services. As local governments provide quite heterogeneous sets, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.Monografie Local Public Finance. An International Comparative Regulatory Perspective.(2021)This book is based upon a comparative public administration research project, initiated by the Hertie School of Governance (Germany) and the Bertelsmann Foundation (Germany) and supported by a network of researchers from many EU countries. It analyzes both the regimes and the practices of local fiscal regulation in 21 European countries. The book brings together key findings of this research project. The regulatory discussion is not limited to the prominent issue of fiscal rules but focuses on every component of regulation. Beyond this, the book covers affiliated topics such as the impact of regulation for local governments, evolution of regulation, administrative costs and crisis prevention. The various book chapters throughout provide a broad picture of local public finance regulation in theory and in practice, using different theoretical and national lenses for the analysis. Furthermore, the authors investigate the effects of budgetary constraints and higher-level regulatory efforts on local governments and on democracy and public services in every European country. This book fills a gap with respect to the lack of discussion on local government finance from an international, comparative perspective and, in particular, the regulation of local public finance. With its mix of authors, this book will be useful for practitioners as well as for scholars and for theory-driven research.Graue Literatur/ Bericht Transnational Perspectives for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. How Interreg B supports SMEs.(2015) Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung -BBSR-, BonnSmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the European economy. This category accounts for more than 98 per cent of all enterprises and makes up two thirds of all jobs in the private sector. If Europe wants to maintain its competitiveness and promotes intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth in line with the objectives of the "Europe 2020" strategy, it is therefore particularly important to support SMEs. Transnational cooperation (better known under the name of Interreg B) can play an important role here. The examples presented in this brochure show how it is possible to successfully implement a large spectrum of measures with Interreg B which serve to promote and support SMEs. Until recently SMEs have less formally been involved as project partners in transnational cooperation, but were mainly target group and beneficiaries of project activities and their achievements. There is a greater focus on SMEs in the new programming period 2014-2020 and its alignment with the "Europe 2020" strategy. The purpose of this brochure, which was produced by the German Institute of Urban Affairs on behalf of the BBSR, is to show project stakeholders such as towns, cities and regions, but also SMEs themselves, the added value that this transnational cooperation can offer small and medium-sized enterprises and to give tips and advice for all those who are planning their own project activities.Zeitschriften-/Zeitungsartikel UVP-Richtlinie und Städtebaurecht in den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union. Stand der Umsetzung und Erfahrungsaustausch im Rahmen eines europäischen Netzwerks.(2002)Der Beitrag berichtet über den in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU varierenden Stand der Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung bestimmter öffentlicher und privater Projekte und die Änderungsrichtlinie zu dieser Richtlinie. Er basiert auf den Ergebnissen eines Erfahrungsaustausches im Rahmen eines europäischen Netzwerks von Städtebaurechtlern im September 2001, an dem Ministerialbeamte und Planungspraktiker aus den Mitgliedstaaten der EU beteiligt waren. difuGraue Literatur/ Bericht Zukunft der Deponierung von Abfällen und der wirtschaftlichen Betätigung in den Kommunen.(1999) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinDie Fachtagung befaßte sich mit zwei Aspekten der Abfallwirtschaft, die für Kommunen als öffentlich-rechtliche Entsorgungsträger von aktueller Relevanz sind: Deponierung und wirtschaftliche Betätigung markieren quasi als Eckpunkte die Bandbreite der abfallwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die in den letzten Jahren aus Sicht der Kommunen einer turbulenten Entwicklung ausgesetzt sind. So haben sich schon kurze Zeit nach Inkrafttreten des Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetzes des Bundes einschneidende Veränderungen für die kommunalen Entsorgungsstrukturen ergeben. Deren Auswirkungen standen im Mittelpunkt des ersten Themenblocks der Fachtagung. Antworten auf zahlreiche Fragen, Einschätzungen der vorhandenen Probleme und mögliche Lösungen wurden aus Bundes-, Landes- und aus kommunaler Sicht gegeben. Außerdem wurden transnationale Aspekte sowie die Auswirkungen der geplanten Deponie-Richtline der EU behandelt. Der zweite Themblock betraf die Zukunft der wirtschaftlichen Betätigung in den Kommunen, wobei zunächst Hilfestellungen mit Blick auf die Lösung aktueller Fragen und Anregungen für künftige Vorgehensweisen aus Sicht kommunaler Praktiker vorgestellt wurden. Ein weiterer Beitrag kommentiert zum einen die derzeitige Konkurrenzssituation bei der wirtschaftlichen Betätigung und erörtert zum anderen einige Gesichtspunkte bei der Abfalldeponierung aus dem Blickwinkel der privaten Entsorgungswirtschaft. difu