Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Fahrradinfrastruktur"
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Graue Literatur/ Bericht Active mobility in residential areas.(2013) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinCycling traffic and the urban neighbourhood mutually strengthen each other as both become increasingly important. Shorter distances make cycling more attractive for day-to-day travel. Conversely, everyday mobility that is geared to cycling helps making the residential environment more attractive and increase the demand, for example, for nearby shopping and leisure facilities. In that context it is also important not to forget that high cycling and walking levels already make for an attractive and vivid urban character of the street environment and thus the residential neighbourhood. Active travel such as cycling is very much a part of residents experience and their everyday life. (Difu)Graue Literatur/ Bericht Arbeitshilfe. Radverkehrsförderung im kleinstädtisch-ländlichen Raum. (Stand 04/2010).(2010) Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club -ADFC-, Bundesverband, BremenGraue Literatur/ Bericht Bicycle parking at train stations.(2011) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinGraue Literatur/ Bericht Bicycle parking in dense housing areas.(2012) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinGraue Literatur/ Bericht Bicycle parking in the city centre.(2011) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinZeitschriften-/Zeitungsartikel Brauchen wir für Pedelecs eine andere Infrastruktur?(2015)Gibt es wirklich relevante Unterschiede zwischen dem Pedelec und dem herkömmlichen Fahrrad - außer der Notwendigkeit des Ladens des Akkus? Schließlich gibt es auch schnellen Radverkehr ohne Elektrounterstützung. Und eine Akku-Ladung hält für Berufspendelwege etwa eine halbe Woche lang; nur bei langen (Radtouren-) Strecken muss unterwegs nachgeladen werden. - Soweit die gängige Diskussion. Aber in dem Thema steckt mehr...Graue Literatur/ Bericht Cycling capitals.(2013) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinThe international cycling capitals use a wide range of political strategies and planning approaches. Bicycle planning is conceived as part of integrated transport and urban planning schemes. This notion is often premised on the general principle of a 'short journey city' and the strengthening of active travel in a compact settlement structure. In this environment, the bicycle can be established as the dominant means of transport. At the same time this requires consistent measures to reduce car use. A citywide cycling strategy can serve to bring together different stakeholders and activities within a formal common framework.Graue Literatur/ Bericht Cycling facilities: designing for safety.(2013) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinThe German cycling design standards offer a wide spectrum of design concepts to provide safe cycle facilities for a variety of different situations. The main features of safe cycle infrastructure are primarily based on good intervisibility between motor-vehicle drivers and cyclists. The quality of the design of the individual cycle facility is important. The design must allow for an intuitive understanding of the facilities and the corresponding, desired behaviour. Given the increases in cycle traffic, cycling facilities introduced today should also be able to meet future demand, making costly investments at a later stage unnecessary. (Difu)Graue Literatur/ Bericht Cycling in urban main streets.(2010) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, BerlinGraue Literatur/ Bericht Cyclists and pedestrians on promenades and pedestrian zones.(2012) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik -Difu-, Berlin