Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Ressourcenverbrauch"
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Graue Literatur/Bericht Mach dein Projekt: Mehrweg-Kampagne(2024) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu)Diese #Klimahacks-Ausgabe beschreibt, wie Kommunen eine Kampagne zum Thema „Mehrweg“ aufbauen und umsetzen können. Ziel dabei ist es, die Menschen für die Verwendung von Mehrweg-To-Go-Produkten wie Becher, Geschirr und Besteck zu motivieren und sie damit für das Thema Müllvermeidung zu sensibilisieren. Die kommunale Verwaltung kann eine Mehrwegkampagne initiieren, indem sie diese z. B. als Maßnahme im Klimaschutzkonzept verankert. Damit ist die Basis für eine Umsetzung gelegt. Klar ist, eine breitenwirksame Kampagne kann einen Beitrag leisten, um die Potenziale von Mehrwegprodukten für den Klimaschutz zu erschließen. Zielgruppe dieser Publikation sind sowohl Klimaschutz-Einsteigerkommunen als auch neue und altgediente Klimaschutzmanager*innen, die sich inspirieren lassen möchten.Graue Literatur/Bericht Mach dein Projekt: Zirkuläres Bauen(2024) Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu)Zeitschriften-/Zeitungsartikel Resource management as part of sustainable urban district development.(2022)Rising urban populations, limited natural resources (following the German Federal Environmental Agency, natural resources are resources that are part of nature. They include renewable and non-renewable primary raw materials, physical spaces (surface areas), environmental media (water, soil, air), flowing resources (e.g., geothermal, wind, tidal and solar energy) and biodiversity. It is irrelevant here whether the resources serve as sources for producing products or as sinks for absorbing emissions (water, soil, air)) and climate change require a new approach to urban planning. Recently, international, European and national programmes, concepts and framework documents have been created to promote the implementation of measures for more sustainability, resource efficiency and climate resilience in urban districts. In the funding measure of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s “Resource-Efficient Urban Districts for the Future-RES:Z”, twelve funded research project networks are dedicated to understanding the impacts that urban districts have on the resources of land, water and material flows, as well as the resulting impacts on urban green spaces and energy issues. By considering the different resources involved, it is shown that the optimisation of their use cannot take place independently of each other. This may even lead to conflicting goals. Use conflicts can be recognised at an early stage and measures can be tailored to the specific neighbourhood context when applying an integrated approach that provides a common view on all of the aforementioned resources. Special attention is paid to solutions which create numerous benefits i.e., multifunctionality. The RES:Z funding measure utilises living labs for the research on and implementation of solutions. This lays the foundation for a sustainable transformation of urban districts and the basis for further research.Graue Literatur/ Bericht Ressourcenpolitik auf kommunaler und regionaler Ebene (kommRess). Entwicklung und Etablierung spezieller Informations- und Beratungsangebote sowie weitere Unterstützungsaktivitäten im Rahmen der Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung des Deutschen Ressourceneffizienzprogramms ProgRess. Abschlussbericht.(2020) Umweltbundesamt -UBA-, Dessau-RoßlauCities and urban society are responsible for the predominant part of the worldwide resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. A fundamental challenge for a sustainable society is the reduction of resource consumption and green house gases. This is where municipalities are a relevant actor on the local and regional level. Municipalities have, in different areas of action, links to the optimisation of resource efficiency which are for example business development, urban planning, the mobility sector, water and waste water management, waste management as well as procurement. As a first step in the project kommRess, different municipal approaches to resource efficiency were identified. To overall and further optimise resource efficiency on the local level, comprehensive information and networks opportunities are needed. It is therefore planned to establish a service point for resource efficiency in municipalities. Within the project kommRess, a concept for the development of such a service point for resource efficiency in municipalities was developed. Therefore an intensive dialogue process with municipalities was established.Graue Literatur/ Bericht Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung als Hebel für den Ressourcen- und Klimaschutz. Kommunale Instrumente, Fallbeispiele und Potenziale zur Reduktion der Ressourceninanspruchnahme.(2021) Umweltbundesamt -UBA-, Dessau-RoßlauDie Relevanz des Planens und Bauens wird immer stärker im umweltpolitischen Diskurs wahrgenommen. Dies ist nicht verwunderlich, da das Bauwesen durch Errichten, Nutzen und Rückbau von Bauten mit hohem Verbrauch von Ressourcen wie etwa Baumaterialien, Energie, Wasser, Flächen/Boden etc. verbunden ist. Der Bausektor ist zum Beispiel für rund 40 % der globalen Treibhausgas-Emissionen verantwortlich. Zudem entstehen hier die größten Abfallströme. Um zukunftsfähig zu sein, muss eine ressourcen- und klimaschonende Planung und Errichtung der gebauten Umwelt umgesetzt werden. Das bedeutet: Der Blick muss verstärkt auf die kommunalen Hebel der Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung gelenkt werden. Der Leitfaden führt in die Thematik des nachhaltigen Planens und Bauens ein, zeigt Instrumente der Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung zur Steuerung von Stoffströmen auf, beschreibt Anwendungsbeispiele aus vier Kommunen, macht deutlich, welche Massenströme eingespart werden können, und beschreibt Wege und Lösungsansätze für ein optimiertes Vorgehen bei der Steuerung von Stoffströmen zur Reduzierung der Ressourceninanspruchnahme.Graue Literatur/ Bericht Steuerbare urbane Stoffströme - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der nachhaltigen Steuerung städtischer und stadtregionaler Stoffströme mittels Instrumenten der Stadtplanung. Abschlussbericht.(2021) Umweltbundesamt -UBA-, Dessau-RoßlauCities and urban agglomerations are in general the biggest energy and resource consumers worldwide. The ongoing urbanization processes and economic growth tie up large amounts of raw materials. The optimisation of material flow management reduces the consumption of natural resources, which is more sustainable. The goals of the research project are to investigate in how far urban-planning instruments can influence urban material flows in order to reduce resource consumption and to foster the environment protection in that way. Therefore, the following questions were at the forefront: How are urban material flows considered in current planning practice? What are the chances and limitations in influencing urban material flows by using urban planning instruments? The answers to these questions should help to find possibilities for a sustainable development of urban spaces and regions. In this relationship recommendations for the municipalities and the federal Governments were concluded. The project was financed by the German Environmental Agency (UBA).Beitrag (Sammelwerk) Vertical integration in a multi-level governance system using the example of the German Resource Efficiency Programme.(2021)The ultimate goal of German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess) is to make the extraction and use of natural resources more sustainable and reduce associated environmental pollution as much as possible. By doing this - also with responsibility towards future generations - the programme should create a prerequisite for securing a long-term high quality of life. To bring the policy approaches formulated in ProgRess to reality, efforts to implement resource efficiency measures have to be increased at all levels - from international to regional to local. The chapter intends to provide an impetus for the current debate on ProgRess policy development. The chapter identifies, analyses and describes deficits and possibilities of vertical integration of the German programme in particular and derives recommendations for action which may also serve as indications for other strategies. The following sections are based on results of the advisory report "Vertical integration of the national resource efficiency programme ProgRess (VertRess)", conducted by the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy on behalf of the German Environmental Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).